Ethereum: How to use `scantxoutset`

Ethereum: How to use scantxoutset



When working with Ethereum, it is crucial to understand how to retrieve UTXO (unspent transaction output) for a given address. However, using standard Bitcoin command line tools can be cumbersome and error-prone. In this article, we will take a look at the scantxoutset command in Ethereum and provide some tips on how to use it.

What is Scantxoutset?


scantxoutset is an Ethereum command line tool that allows you to retrieve UTXO for a given address. It is designed to be more convenient than traditional Bitcoin tools, as it provides a simpler interface with fewer options and better performance.

Using Scantxoutset


To use scantxoutset, follow these steps:

Ethereum: How to use `scantxoutset`

Step 1: Install the required dependencies

First, make sure that Node.js (>= 14.17.0) is installed on your system. Then, install the ethers.js library using npm:

npm install ethers

Step 2: Import and initialize the Ethereum provider

Import the EthereumProvider class from the ethers.js library:

import { EthereumProvider } from 'ethers';

Next, initialize a provider instance by providing the details of your Ethereum network (e.g. mainnet, ropsten, or a custom network):

const provider = new EthereumProvider('

Replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID with the actual ID of your Infura project.

Step 3: Create a Scantxoutset instance

Create an instance of the ScantxOutset class, passing in your provider and address:

const scantxoutset = new ethery.Contract(



'public function getUTXOs(address) return (address[] memory) {

return await getTransactionOutputList(address);




{ log: false, weightLimit: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }


Replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID with your actual Infura project ID and the contract ABI for getUTXOs.

Step 4: Get UTXO

Get UTXO for a given address using a scantxoutset instance:

scantxoutset.getUTXOs('0x...').then((utxos) => console.log(utxos));

Replace '0x...' with your desired Ethereum address.

Tips and Variations

  • To get UTXO for multiple addresses, pass an array of addresses to the getUTXOs function:

scantxoutset.getUTXOs(['0x...', '0x...']).then((utxos) => console.log(utxos));

  • You can also use the scantxoutset instance to get the UTXO for a specific transaction using its getTransactionOutputList function:

const tx = { from: '0x...', value: 100n };

scantxoutset.getUTXOs(tx.address).then((transactionOuts) => console.log(transactionOuts));



Using scantxoutset to get the UTXO for a given Ethereum address is a convenient and efficient way to manage smart contracts. By following these steps, you should be able to use this command line tool successfully and confidently.

Be sure to replace the placeholders (YOUR_PROJECT_ID) with the actual Infura project ID and contract ABI details. Happy coding!

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