Ethereum: Bitcoin private key and address generator in golang

Popular or Erariim ‘Using the library (is not directly involved with pikoin, which seems another project).

Keys and Personal Address Overcups the etheme’s

Strike a blocchachein platform that was prepared by a VALETIK BURERER. To interact with it at programming level, you will have to generate your personal key and address.

Installing the requested package

First, it is necessary to install the ‘Erarim’ package using the following command:


Get Go

Generate of a personal key and address

Here is a simple example of generating a new personal lay key and address:


Main package

Import (



"Tree Tim"




Funny main () {

// make a greeting

Client, Er: = ")

If the wrong is! = Blue {

Log.FATal (ER)


Derfer derfer.disconnect ()

// generates a new key and personal address

PIRSTITEY, ER: = General. A.appaya (context), Municipal Council

If the wrong is! = Blue {

Log.FATal (ER)


// Print Personal Key and Address

FMT.Println ("Private Key (Private Key):", PSONELKEY.hex (d)

FMT.Println ("Private Key (" Base322): ", PSNALKEY.BASE32 (D)


// get a new transaction to send ether from your wallet


From: Common. Froghash ("0x ..."),

Answer: munnicality.tohash ("0x ..."),

Amount: etweiahut.newethewethere (menicalith.s256),


// sign the deal with the private key

Err = personkeyke.sigtx (tx)

If the wrong is! = Blue {

Log.FATal (ER)


// send the transaction of the main network

Err = grom.sendrawtransation (tx)

If the wrong is! = Blue {

Log.FATal (ER)




In this example, we create an etheme client and get a new personal key using “General.Newi”. So we generating a random address from the private key. To send Ether to the main network from your portfolio to the main network, we sign the deal with the private key, and so it is to transmit it.

Important Considerations

Remember that the private Erem key generation cannot be reversed. If you lose your private key or forget you will have to generate a new one.

Also, be aware of security risks associated with the use of public network usage (as broken) for transactions. We usually use private networks such as normal network or testnets.


It is simple to generate the moving keys and personal etherme addresses after installing the ‘ethemem’ package. This example shows how to create a new personal key, generating an address and sign a deal with it.


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