Ethereum: How to get the Order Book List using Binance API?

Getting Order Book with Binance API: A Step-by-Step Guide

As an Ethereum developer, understanding how to access order book information is crucial for building solid trading platforms or integrations. In this article, we will show you how to retrieve the order book list using the Binance API.


  • Create a Binance API account and obtain your API key and secret.
  • Install the requests library in Python (available on PyPI) if you haven’t already.
  • Import the required libraries: requests and json.

Step 1: Set up your API credentials

Ethereum: How to get the order book list with Binance API?

In the Binance API dashboard, create a new application or select an existing one. Under the API Credentials section, obtain:

  • API Secret Key: This is used to authenticate your requests.
  • Public API Key: This is required for most API calls.

Step 2: Build the API Request

You can use the following code snippet to build a GET request to retrieve the order book list:

import requests

api_key = "YOUR_API_CUT"

api_secret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET'

base_url = f'

headers = {

"X-MBX-APIKEY": api_key,

"X-MBX-SECRET-PASS": api_secret


params = {'symbol': 'ETH', 'limit': 100}

Set the symbol to ETH and limit to 100 orders

response = requests.get(base_url, headers=headers, params=params)

if response.status_code == 200:

data = response.json()



print(f'Error: {response.text}')

Step 3: Parse the order book information

The ‘order book’ section of the response contains a dictionary with the following keys:

  • openOrders: List of open orders.
  • closedOrders: List of closed orders.
  • takersBySide: A map of taker symbols to order lists.
  • bids: A list of bids.
  • asks: A list of questions.

We will extract the following information:

  • Open orders (openOrders): List of open orders with their side, price, quantity, and time.
  • Closed orders (‘closedOrders’): List of closed orders with their side, price, quantity, and time.
  • TakersBySide Symbols: Maps takers by side symbols to side lists.

Step 4: Display the order book information

We will output the extracted data in a format suitable for display:

Get the list of open orders

open_orders = data['order book']['openOrders']

Print the open orders with their side, price, quantity and time

for order in open_orders:

print(f"Side: {order['side']}, Price: {order['price'],}", final='\n')

Example output

The output will look like this:

Side: Buy

Price: 2828.00

Quantity: 100

Side: Sell

Price: 2835.00

Quantity: 50

Following these steps, you should be able to retrieve the list of open orders orders using the Binance API. Don’t forget to replace YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_API_SECRET with your actual API credentials.

Tips and Variations

  • To get the same information as the order book on, use the /v3/openOrders endpoint instead of /v3/allOrders.
  • You can filter orders using the limit parameter in the query string.
  • You can also add additional parameters to the API request, such as symbol or time, to retrieve specific information.

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