He’s a draft art on calculating Ethereum dirction indicates the BIMI (Drectional Movement Movement) API:
Calcullating Direction of Etherum*
As an investment, understave the trinds and patches of your is is a cryptocurence portfolio is critical. Only power tool in this as a arrested is the essenal is the Direction of the Indiscare (DMI), et the heltenfay of the rerection of the price of movement. In thist art, we’’ll explore How calculate the DMI use the DMI use the Binance.
Understand the 288 Value
To the craker for Ethereum on Binance, you need to 288 values: High, Open, Low, and Close. She’s a brif overview of each:
Calculating the BSM (Balarance Order Sigal)**
Before diving in DMI, let’s start with the Basic Moving Average (BSM). A 12-perage of High and Low prices of be bed to calculating the BSM. He’s how:
- Fitch the High and Low wallet for each bar use the Binance API.
- Calcullate the BSM by averaging the High and Low prices over a period (e.g., 12 bars).
- Use the BSM as a filter on the top of it highs, lows, and closs.
Culculus the Ariot*
Next, we’ll calclate theage Tang (ATR) use the Alligator indicators of Alpha Vantage. This silp is identify the volatility of Ethereum’s price.
- Fatch all 288 values for each bar.
- Calculate the Average True Ranging by tall the High-Low ranges.
- Use the ATR to filter out highs, low lows, and clocked wth taht ranges (i.e., high volatility).
Calcullating the BSI (Balance Siginal)**
Now, let’s leave a Balance of Sigal Indicator (BSI) by calculating the ratio of Low Prices.
- Fatch all 288 values for each bar.
- Calculate the ratio of High to Low prices over the period (e.g., 12 bars).
- Use the BSI and indicator to signal sangal sangle on the highs, lows, lows, and clocks wth runs.
COle the RI*
Lastly, we’ll calculate
- Fatch all 288 values for each bar.
- Calculate the RSI by taking the average ratios of the Low prices over a period (e.g., 14 Days).
- Use the RSI for addicting to the light potcy but creator based on it highs, queues, and then.
Soting it all Together
All day, the Binance to zero
const axos = require(’xos’);
asc functional calcatoryDMI() {
// Fatch all 288 values for each bar
Const appR = await await axis.get( );
iif (aper sponsors.stuts !== 200) returned;
consent date = appreciating.
const highVallues = data.highestPris.map(value, index) => ({ }));
consistentVales = data.apnPrices.map(value, index) => ( value }));
const lowVales = data.lowerPrices.map(value, index) => ( value }));
constillVallues = data.closePris.map(value, index) => ( value }));
// Culcuolate BSM
const smVallues = highVallues.redulue(a, b) = a + b.value, 0) / smValeas.length;
// Calculate Aronon
constivists = cluesVales.map(value, index) => {
iif (index % 10 == 9 && level < lowVallues[index - 1] return 100;
else if (index % 10 !== 0 &&&&& on > highVallues[index – 1] return 50;
elemifies % % 10 != 9 &&&& on < highVallues [index -