Metamask Wallet Add Chain Error Ethereum: IncorRect Chain ID
As a development, In this article,
When using the RPC Wallet_addethereumin
in Metamask Android, it is necessary to ensure that the added network is properly identified by your wallet. The feature of the “Chain” Network Ethereum object is decisive for correct identification and management of your own networks.
. Specifically, the “incorrect chain ID” is called. This suggests that when adding your own network to your wallet, there may be a problem with how
Code Review
Let’s Take a Closer Look at the Excerpt of the Code:
Const chain = waiting for the provider.getchain (“customnetwork”);
Const chain = chain.chainid;
Wallet_addethereumchain ({
Network: Chain,
From: Accountaddress,
Note that we are over the chain 'as an argument to the' Wallet_addethereumchain".
Const chain = waiting for the provider.getchain (“customnetwork”);
Wallet_addethereumchain ({
From: Accountaddress,
. This is likely to cause a problem with the wrong chain id.
Chain_addethereumin. Here's an updated code fragment:
Const chain = waiting for the provider.getchain (“customnetwork”);
Const chain = chain.chainid;
Wallet_addethereumchain ({
Network: Chain,
From: Accounting Holiday,
More Advice
Remember to Ensure Accurate Identification of Your Own Ethereum Networks:
According to these steps,