Solana: How to infer or find basic types for return values in @solana/web3.js v2 library?

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Types of return in @Solana/Web3.js V2: a guide

As a developer who works with web3.js V2 Solar, you may have met situations in which you have to deduce or find the correct type for the return value of a function. In this article, we will explore how to do it.

Understanding the problem

In @Sola/Web3.js V2, the types are used to define the form and structure of the data. When called functions on a single blockchain, parameters usually pass as a painting or object with specific types. However, when the function returns a value, it is not always clear what type the return value is.

Basic types in @Solana/Web3.js V2

Solana: How to infer or find basic types for return values in @solana/web3.js v2 library?

To understand how to deduce the type of return of a function, first pass some types of basic available on the web3.js v2:

  • Uint8array: a series of 256 whole 8 bits

  • U8: a single unparalleled integer at 8 bits

  • Bytes32: a block 32 -bit coded as an image of byte

  • Sting: a sequence of unicode characters

  • Bigint: an arbitrary precision, decimal number

  • Fix64: a value of 64 -bit with a fixed point with precision up to 18 digits

Deduction of the types of return

To deduce the type of return of a function, it is necessary to analyze the signature of the function and any past parameters. Here are some suggestions:

  • Check the signature of the function : look at the name of the function, the topics and the type of return.

  • Analyze the types of parameters : Check that each topic has a specific type (for example,uint8array, u8, etc.). You can use the TYPEOF or ISANCIAL METHOD to verify the type of topic.

  • Types of research data in the body of functions : If the return value is archived as an image of bytes, you could be able to deduce its size by analyzing the way it is codified.

Example: deduction of the type of return

Let’s do a simple example:


Const Imploy = async (account: string) => {

// ... Implementation logic ...


In this case, the “implementation” function takes a parameter with the type. The return value is archived as an image of bytes.

To deduce its size, we can analyze the functional body:


Const Imploy = async (account: string) => {

// ... Implementation logic ...

custom result = wait implementation (account);

Console.log (Result.length); // Print 24 Byte


In this case, the return value is an image of bytes with 24 elements.

Find Types of Back

If you are not sure of the type of function or return values, you can use the following methods:

  • Use the documentation @solana/web3.js v2 : check the official documentation for @Sola/Web3.js V2 to see what types are provided for each signature of the function.


  • Use an TS-JEST or an extended JEST verifier: These bookstores can help you detect errors and type deduction.

In conclusion, inform or find the basic types for the return values ​​in @Sola/Web3.js V2 involves the analysis of the signature of the function, the types of parameters and the data structures as made. By following these suggestions and using tools such as types and documentation, you can write a more robust code and keep solana.

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